Mark Lawson Is Taking a Break From Twitter
Social media is a great way for actors to connect with their fans and vice versa. But GENERAL HOSPITAL actor Mark Lawson (Dustin) has announced that he’s going to stop using Twitter for a while. “Well, time for a Twitter break,” he tweeted. “Just can’t. Too addictive and I can feel it pulling me away from what’s important. Gonna be gone for a bit, minus whatever I post on Instagram filtering to here. May even cut that off. Take care of yourself and each other.”
Over on his Instagram, Lawson posted a short video where he explained a little more to his GH fans. “Hey friends,” he said. “I just checked in before — I’m basically gonna delete Twitter off my phone for the next couple weeks — to let you guys know… I saw that you guys were commenting on the fact that I’m ‘quitting Twitter.’ I’m gonna quit for a little bit. But I’m not gonna quit Instagram. That’s a source of creativity for me. I enjoy Instagram, I feel like that’s where the joy in the world is right now. And you can still reach people and still share your bigger ideas, your important thoughts and moments… but there’s also a lot more fun and joy there. So I’m gonna stay on there and I hope you guys follow me there! Thanks for checking in!”
You can follow Lawson on Instagram by clicking “view profile” on his post above or by visiting his Instagram page and hitting “Follow.” And since he said he was just taking a “Twitter break,” he’ll likely return to that platform at some point, though perhaps in a more limited capacity.