Watch the Second GUIDING LIGHT Reunion!
With everyone stuck at home, it’s the perfect time to organize online gatherings and former CBS publicist Alan Locher put together another GUIDING LIGHT reunion that took place in a live chat with fans on April 15, at 3 p.m. ET at this link on YouTube.
This reunion brought together Grant Aleksander (Phillip), Beth Chamberlin (Beth), Yvonna Kopacz Wright (Mel), Michael O’Leary (Rick), and Tina Sloan (Lillian) to reminisce about their days in Springfield. After catching fans up on what they’re doing these days, the actors took a stroll down Memory Lane and shared stories of their favorite storylines, co-workers, and more!
And don’t forget you can still watch the first GL reunion at this link to see Kim Zimmer (Reva), Robert Newman (Josh), Maureen Garrett (Holly), Jerry verDorn (Blake), and Liz Keifer (Blake) share their own special memories!
Locher has even more GL reunions planned, so keep checking back for updates on when, where, and who is going to be chatting this time! And for more on what your favorite GL stars are up to now, keep reading the CBS edition of Soaps In Depth magazine.