THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL Spoilers: Will Sheila Go Free?
It’s time for Sheila to face the judge in these THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL spoilers! But will justice be served or will Bill arrange for the villain to receive a “get out of jail free” card yet again?
“Justice will be served,” Taylor declares confidently, unaware of all the scheming going on behind her back. “And Sheila will be put away forever.” Steffy just frowns at her mother, afraid to reveal Bill’s threat to put Taylor behind bars if Steffy and Finn testify against Sheila. Would she really risk Taylor’s freedom to ensure Sheila doesn’t get away with yet another crime?
Bill stunned everyone when he revealed that he and Sheila had not only teamed up but were a couple, although he seems slightly surprised himself when he really thinks about it. “The two of us together,” Sheila assures Bill, “there is nothing that we can’t do.” And honestly, the pair is pretty formidable!
In the judge’s chambers, Bill reminds Steffy of their deal. “Sheila’s freedom for your mother’s freedom,” he grumbles. With an equally-frustrated Finn at her side, Steffy throws her hands up in dismay. “I can’t believe you’re doing this, Bill!” she cries. Can she get him to see sense before it’s too late?
Deacon, who had been sleeping with Sheila while letting her hide out from the cops at his place, pays her a visit in jail. “Part of me was betting that you were gonna beat the odds,” he admits. Ever confident, Sheila smiles. “Maybe I have,” she whispers.
Has Bill really found a way to help Sheila escape prison yet again? And is their relationship genuine? Check out this tease for the wild week of B&B to come and don’t miss a moment!